Connect Two
- Create the list of concepts/terms.
- Decide whether students will work in pairs or independently.
- Create a three-column graphic organizer with the headings: Concept 1, Concept 2, and Connection.
Activity Steps
Introduce Connect Two.
Introduce Connect Two as an opportunity to review key vocabulary. Distribute the list of terms to students.
Conduct mini-lesson on connections.
Provide a mini-lesson on making connections. Connections are fundamentally about relationships. What is the relationship (connection) between these concepts? Connections can be based on theme, individual elements, cause and effect, similarities, differences, and dependent or independent relationships. For example, in math students can explore the relationship between fractions and decimals. The two concepts could fall under a broader theme of ways to express pieces of a whole, but they could also be connected by the use of similar division and multiplication principles in order to solve fraction and decimal equations.
Model Connect Two.
Model two connections for students. Select two concepts/terms from the list. Write them in column 1 and 2. In the third column explain the connection. How are these terms connected to each other? Ask for student volunteers to model a second connection example.
Make connections.
Students will make connections between the words on the list and explain their connection. For example, in social studies students could make a connection between industrialization and immigration.
Evaluate connections.
After students have completed their connections, have them turn and talk with a classmate. · Which connection is your strongest? Why? · Which connection is your weakest? Why?
Share out.
Lead a whole-class share-out of connections.
Students independently reflect on the process of making connections. · How did this activity help you? · How could you use this activity in the future?
Adaptation for the Math Classroom
In the math classroom Connect Two helps students build a stronger understanding of the relationships between mathematical skills or concepts. For example, stdents could compare related problem-solving approaches, distinguish between situations, or connect two skills. In each case, this practice would help students develop a flexible understanding of mathematics rather than one based on unconnected, discrete skills and ideas.