Who’s Leading the Way?

Who’s Leading the Way?

A Promising Competency-based Model for Historically Marginalized Students Competency-based education models are complicated organisms, and staging their development and growth is generally a multi-year task, whether one is a launching a new school or re-envisioning an...
Leveling the Playing Field

Leveling the Playing Field

Asynchronous Learning in High-Poverty, Competency-based Urban High Schools At the U School we are big believers in the notion that skillful, independent learning is central to leading a meaningful and productive life…But what happens if students enter...
Our Five New reDesigners!

Our Five New reDesigners!

We are happy to announce the addition of five phenomenal women to the reDesign team. We are humbled by the ways these brilliant, thoughtful women have been forces for transformation in our field, and are thankful for the energy, wisdom, and creativity they are...
Can Literature Make Our Nation Less Insular?

Can Literature Make Our Nation Less Insular?

I grew up in a “flyover” state that is most notable for its spotlight in a 1930’s film where a young lady tries to escape the ennui of her farm life by running away to something bigger and brighter, just “over the rainbow.” The community I grew up in was composed of...
What IS the difference between competencies and standards?

What IS the difference between competencies and standards?

By Sydney Schaef, Ed.D., M.B.A. Though often described interchangeably, competencies and standards are in some ways worlds apart. If you’re asking this question, then well done, you! This question is a bridge from the old world order (of formal schooling) to the new,...