Gallery Walk
Decide the purpose of your Gallery Walk . Gather materials: Post-it notes, stars, and markers.
Activity Steps
Introduce the activity.
Explain that this activity is like a visit to an art gallery; the students will walk around and look at the student work.
Model Gallery Walk.
While modeling, it is important to clarify the purpose of the walk and demonstrate for students what they should be doing as they look at the work.
Students walk around.
Try to spread the work out so that large groups of students aren’t congregating in one section.
Share out.
This can be a turn-and-talk in pairs or in small groups, or it can also be a whole-class share-out. If students used the gallery walk to spark ideas, a turn-and-talk may be more appropriate. If students are analyzing the work looking for patterns across all of the work, a whole-class share-out is more appropriate.
Students reflect independently. The question is very dependent on the purpose of the gallery walk. For example, ask, “How did analyzing your classmates’ work add to or change your thinking about the content?”