by reDesign | Oct 3, 2020
Word Problem Roulette This activity, adapted from Barton and Heidema’s Teaching Reading In Mathematics (2009), helps students to develop their ability to solve math word problems by collaborating on problems as a group, and then communicating as a group the steps and...
by reDesign | Oct 3, 2020
Semantic Mapping “Semantics” refers to the concepts or ideas conveyed by words, and semantic mapping is a process through which students visually depict the ways ideas are connected. Semantic mapping can be used for a text or a unit of study. Through semantic mapping,...
by reDesign | Oct 3, 2020
Socratic Seminar In this activity students will take part in a Socratic seminar that includes preparing background information, speaking and listening during the seminar, and writing after the seminar. This activity can be used in all content areas. CONTENT AREA ELA,...
by reDesign | Oct 3, 2020
Oral History The purpose of this activity is to provide an opportunity for students to gain a deeper understanding of the time period in which the text is set. Students will use questioning strategies to interview people who have some familiarity with the specific...
by reDesign | Oct 3, 2020
Attribute Sorts This activity helps students to organize and remember important and distinguishing information about key people, places, or other ideas from their reading. CONTENT AREA ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies LEARNING MODALITY Listening, Reading LEARNING...