by reDesign | Oct 1, 2020
SQRQCQ This activity, adapted from Barton and Heidema’s Teaching Reading In Mathematics (2009), helps to guide students through the process of solving a mathematical word problem. Students follow a consistent set of steps to organize their approach to solving the...
by reDesign | Oct 1, 2020
Anticipation Guide Anticipation guides consist of statements about themes from a text and ask students to evaluate their own thoughts about those themes. Anticipation guides help students build background when they think about ideas before they engage in a text. The...
by Vicky Kim | Oct 1, 2020
Mini Summaries This activity supports students in comprehending lectures or presentations by asking them to write a summary of a section of the presentation every three to five minutes. Writing these regular mini-summaries helps students to sustain attention, to...
by Vicky Kim | Oct 1, 2020
KWL/KWHLAQ K-W-L charts are graphic organizers that help students organize information before, during, and after a unit or a lesson. They can be used to engage students in a new topic, activate prior knowledge, share unit objectives, and monitor learning. KWHLAQ...
by Vicky Kim | Oct 1, 2020
KNWS This activity helps to guide students through the process of solving a mathematical word problem. Students fill out a chart with the following columns as they complete a word problem:K: What do you know?,N: What is not relevant?,W: What do you want to find...