

Summarizing Summarizing is an important skill for initial consolidation of information, and for later review. Through the act of summarizing, students process information and make meaning of it as they make decisions about main ideas versus details, and as they...

Beyond-the-Lines Questions

Beyond-the-Lines Questions In this activity, adapted from Harvey & Goudvis’s Strategies that Work (2007), students will create and use beyond-the-line questions that provoke deeper thinking and prompt lively student discussions. These are questions that can’t be...

Newspaper Connection

Newspaper Connection In this activity, inspired by Burke’s The English Teacher’s Companion (1998), students will bring in articles (newspaper, magazine, blog posts) that relate to issues or ideas in the unit of study. Students will work in groups to compare and...


SQRQCQ This activity, adapted from Barton and Heidema’s Teaching Reading In Mathematics (2009), helps to guide students through the process of solving a mathematical word problem. Students follow a consistent set of steps to organize their approach to solving the...

Anticipation Guide

Anticipation Guide Anticipation guides consist of statements about themes from a text and ask students to evaluate their own thoughts about those themes. Anticipation guides help students build background when they think about ideas before they engage in a text. The...