Anticipation Guide

Anticipation Guide

Anticipation Guide Anticipation guides consist of statements about themes from a text and ask students to evaluate their own thoughts about those themes. Anticipation guides help students build background when they think about ideas before they engage in a text. The...
Anticipation Guide

Using Media to Generate a Topic

Using Media to Generate a Topic This activity is used when students need to generate a topic for a writing assignment or project. It is most useful when the topic choice is fairly open-ended. By exploring a range of media, students explore and identify topics that...
Anticipation Guide


KWL/KWHLAQ K-W-L charts are graphic organizers that help students organize information before, during, and after a unit or a lesson. They can be used to engage students in a new topic, activate prior knowledge, share unit objectives, and monitor learning. KWHLAQ...
Anticipation Guide

Scene it

Scene it In this activity students will visualize and draw events from a text. The purpose of this activity is to help students remember what they read. This activity is best completed at the end of a reading or after a revealing moment in the text that was built up...
Anticipation Guide


Jigsaw In this activity students are divided into groups. Each group has a different focus related to a common theme or topic. Students are then regrouped so that one member from each of the original groups is able to teach the other students what they learned. The...