Generative Summarizing

Generative Summarizing

Generative Summarizing This small-group activity helps students to encode and extend content presented in direct teaching or a text. Students are guided to work cooperatively to use their own words, experiences, and connections to generate novel summaries of presented...
Generative Summarizing

Save the Last Word

Save the Last Word In this activity, adapted from Short, Harste, & Burke’s Creating Classrooms for Authors and Inquirers (1996), students will read a text and select five statements that they think are important to discuss. On index cards, the students will write...
Generative Summarizing

Word Problem Roulette

Word Problem Roulette This activity, adapted from Barton and Heidema’s Teaching Reading In Mathematics (2009), helps students to develop their ability to solve math word problems by collaborating on problems as a group, and then communicating as a group the steps and...
Generative Summarizing

Word Trees

Word Trees Word trees are a visual representation of a set of words, with a branching structure demonstrating the words’ interrelationships. Words that are more frequently or strongly associated to a given word are displayed with thicker or larger font, so that word...
Generative Summarizing

Say\Mean Chart

SayMean Chart In this activity, adapted from Gallagher’s Deeper Reading (2004), students will create a chart that includes the literal (what does it say?) and inferential (what does it mean?) comprehension of text. The purpose of this activity is to help students...