by reDesign | Oct 3, 2020
S.P.A.C.E. for Narrative Writing This activity helps students to organize the process of planning and writing a narrative. The mnemonic SPACE (Harris & Graham, 1992) is an acronym that stands for: S: Setting P: Purpose A: Action C: Conclusion E: Emotions Through...
by reDesign | Oct 3, 2020
Save the Last Word In this activity, adapted from Short, Harste, & Burke’s Creating Classrooms for Authors and Inquirers (1996), students will read a text and select five statements that they think are important to discuss. On index cards, the students will write...
by reDesign | Oct 3, 2020
Say Something Students construct meaning from text with a partner during the Say Something activity, which is adapted from Beers’s When Kids Can’t Read (2003). Each student takes a turn to respond to an idea or line from the text by practicing a specific learning...
by reDesign | Oct 3, 2020
Inner Voice Calender This quick activity, adapted from Cris Tovani’s Do I Really Have to Teach Reading? (2004), allows students to reflect on their learning by engaging in active dialogue with their peers and/or teachers. Students respond to a focus question of the...
by reDesign | Oct 3, 2020
I Wonder Poem This activity encourages students to develop their curiosity about a topic by asking authentic questions in the form of a poem. Using the poem “I Wonder” by Jeannie Kirby as a model, students express their own questions through the structure of a poem....