Student Conferencing Protocol

Student Conferencing Protocol

Student Conferencing Protocol A bank of relevant questions and dialogue starters are included as a resource for crafting personalized conferences that are responsive to individual student needs. RESOURCE CATEGORY Teaching Resource Student Conferencing Protocol: Steps...
Student Conferencing Protocol

Academic Discussion Tracker

Academic Discussion Tracker A simple template that provides key skills for academic discussion and a format for keeping track of each student 's progress. RESOURCE CATEGORY Teaching Resource     Academic Discussion Tracker  Related Resources AllLearning...
Student Conferencing Protocol

Academic Conference Stems

Academic Conference Stems Conferences are a powerful instructional tool, providing teachers with more time for assessment and differentiation, the opportunity to deepen relationships with students, and an insight into their own work from the perspective of the...
Student Conferencing Protocol

Think-aloud Planning Template

Think-aloud Planning Template Good think-alouds require careful planning: this template will help. RESOURCE CATEGORY Teaching Resource Think-alouds are a powerful, but underutilized, instructional practice that allows teachers to reveal to students their own thinking...

Classroom Design Template: Key Structures

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