Word Scramble Prediction
Select 10-12 words from the text that will give students enough of a clue about the text but not give everything away. This short activity works best right before students read the text.
Activity Steps
Introduce Word Scramble.
Share the scrambled list of words with students. Explain that each of these words will appear in the text they will read. They will use those words to help them write a prediction about the text. Purposefully be vague about the types of predictions. The goal here is to get students thinking and wondering about the text.
Write predictions.
Share predictions.
Go around the room and have each student read their prediction. After all students have shared their predictions, say, “Let’s see who is right!”
Read the text.
This can be an independent, small-group, or whole-class read-aloud.
Conduct prediction discussion.
Complete self-evaluation.
Each student will write two or three sentences to evaluate their prediction. · What similarities and differences did you see between the text and your prediction?
How did this activity help you engage with the text?