We are holding two truths in tension: one, that the uncertainty, loss, and suffering caused by the COVID-19 pandemic are enormous, driving the impulse to get back to “normalcy;” and two, that there is opportunity in such profound disruption, if we have the courage to embrace it. At reDesign, we believe this is a moment to accelerate the work we’ve believed in since our founding: new and transformative designs and practices that challenge and dismantle old systems of advantage for white, heteronormative folks, and that move us toward racial and economic justice.
Critically intervene in a way that challenges and changes. — bell hooks
“100 Disruptions” is all about small, courageous acts of change in our daily professional lives. It’s about being bold and intentional, even in the small moments. “100 Disruptions” are tangible, actionable ways to “disrupt” the status quo – the familiar model of schooling – and provoke the reinvention of schools so that we don’t have to go back to normal, but instead move forward to equitable, relevant, and joyful learning for all. You can read more about the inspiration for 100 disruptions here from our awesome colleague, Vicky Kim.
Ready to get started? Click below. If you’re interested in partnering with reDesign to support school or system transformation in your school, district, or state, reach out to us at
Small disruption #1: Disrupt the text. As you head into your classrooms, in whatever form they take, let’s raise critical consciousness from the get-go. Here are some ideas to guide critical inquiry with learners to help them frame a lifelong practice of analyzing, feeling, and acting as agents of positive change. Let’s go!